Today I wanted to share a really cheap and easy way to display several pictures from our session together or from your own collection. It’s remarkably simple to set up, yet really makes an impact. I recently had about 150 of my photos from the past year printed because, if you haven’t been able to tell, I love pictures! After being in our townhouse for two years, I was finally itching to really personalize our space, and could think of no better way to do that than to have pictures everywhere. I love looking at bright, bold, colorful, fun and quirky dispalys, but when it all boils down, I much prefer clean and simple frames for the walls. Straight lines, even spacing, usually black. However, sometimes you come to a point in your life where you say enough is enough and need a change. That’s where this little project came in.
After being inspired by this tutorial and display, I had all my pictures printed as 5×5 with a white border. (Much easier than printing them myself at home!) I also think this style would look stellar with 5×7’s! The weekend that I felt ambitious to get my office set up, I had already been to the store several times and kept forgetting to buy something to adhere the pictures to the wall. So instead of going to the store AGAIN, I looked around to see what I had on hand. A couple nails, some clothespins, and a ball of hemp jewelery twine, and voila! Instant, happy, picture display!
All I did was choose the location for my display and picked a spot for the nails. Since I didn’t have to line up straight edges, I just eyeballed it to get the nails mostly even. I don’t have much patience for measuring, and quite frankly, I’m just not very good at it! I then cut a piece of twine long enough to easily stretch across to both nails and tied a simple knot. You want to make it loose enough so it curves in the center, but not too loose or there won’t be enough support for your pictures and the weight of the clothespins will make it sag to an undesireable level. And no one wants that!
Now, all that’s left is to hang your pretty pictures! My very favorite part of this display is how easy it is to change out pictures. I’ve decided that since this space is not just used as my office, but also as a guest bedroom, that I will change out the pictures depending who my guests are. The sample pictures I put up are all senior photos I did for my sister and her best friend. I put these up two weeks ago when her and the BFF came to visit. My mom is coming in a few weeks, so I will take these down and put up pictures of my siblings and my nephews and my always-too-cute grandma. And when my best friends come up later next month for our Hanson road trip extravaganza, you better believe there will be pictures of us and our favorite bands gracing the walls!
The print in the middle, “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” is a print designed by my fabulously talented cousin Lindsay. She has an amazing blog called Scenic Glory and just recently opened up a store where she sells prints and accessories. She has such a unique and interesting style and you should definitely be checking out her work… right now!
This is a teaser of my other photo line. This is on a much larger wall and I feel the need to add a few more lines and some extra oomph before I show it off. First I must paint some more clothespins in my business colors!
If you decide to take this easy project for a spin, I would love to see it! Please feel free to post a link or email some photos!