This weeks theme at i heart faces is “Smirk.” I haven’t entered any of the contests in an entire month, wow! I haven’t had any photos the past three weeks that fit the themes, so I’ve had to sit ’em out. Happy to be rejoining this week with a cute one of the little one I take care of. I made an entire day out of our photoshoot where we spent the morning shopping for clothes to wear. She took a very active role in picking out clothes, and she tried on every single thing. Right before we left the store, she picked out this gold jacket and begged me to get it for her. It was on clearance, so caved and got it, knowing full well that there would be very few instances she could wear that in the Florida heat. I also couldn’t understand what she liked so much about it. It wasn’t until we were on the beach, and she was making these serious, intense faces did I find out WHY she wanted that jacket. Having just watched Spy Kids the day before, she thought that jacket made her look like a spy. So, I guess that makes this her, “Spy Face.”
{ i heart faces } | weekly photo contest – smirk